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Rabu, 18 September 2013

Contoh descriptive text

R.A Kartini

     Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
     First of all I would like to thanks god that always blessing our life. Today I want to tell you abaout R.A Kartini. Please atition me.
     Do you still remember to R.A Kartini? Yes, R.A Kartini is one of the Indonesian emancipation women. She fought women’s rights deprived in the past. What date R.A Kartini day? R.A Kartini day commemorated every 21 April that date taken from birthday R.A Kartini.
     What exactly service R.A Kartini? R.A Kartini service is she can seize the right is the women can school, do not view degree of social. Long-long time ago only children of the rich can study and even then only graduated from elementary school.
     Women now have much to thank on R.A Kartini thank to her hard work, women can study as high as possible and can work on top of the men. More right R.A Kartini. A first person establish women school is R.A Kartini so the women study.
     At R.A Kartini day many celebrations conducted in Indonesia. One of them is the many children wear kebaya that reflects R.A kartin. And than Indonesia have song to R.A Kartini.
     So much from my speech more or less I am so sorry. Thanks for your atition.
-   Take a walk to Kediri
-   bring eye glasses as souvenir
-   Don’t forget the merit of R.A Kartini
-   That have been free our nation

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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